2025 James R. Anthony Honors Recital Guidelines
General Honors Recital Information
Committee Co-Chairs: Karali Hunter and Chenbaixue Yang
The purpose of the Arizona State Music Teachers Association’s James R. Anthony Honors Recital is to promote the development of musicianship, technique, and performance to the highest level possible. A two-tiered audition process may be implemented, depending on the number of applicants, to select the most outstanding students for the state conference recital. Final Auditions, and the Honors Recital itself, are open to the public.
The Honors Recital and auditions are open to pre-college instrumentalists, vocalists and chamber music ensembles. Participants who do not currently study with an ASMTA member (who has renewed their membership dues prior to the Honors Recital application date) are subject to an additional fee. Solo competitors must have studied with their current teacher for at least six (6) consecutive months prior to preliminary auditions. Exceptions are ensembles whose members could be combined from different students and coached by the teacher for a shorter period than six (6) months. Students must be a resident of Arizona. There is no age restriction or ASMTA membership requirement for accompanists.
Teacher Responsibilities
- Teachers are required to volunteer during the final auditions day. An Honors Recital committee member will contact teachers regarding their volunteer times and duties. If the teacher is unable to fulfill this responsibility, they must find a replacement.
- Teachers should take time to review all of the current Guidelines, and go over these Guidelines with the participating students and their parents.
- Questions and comments pertaining to any phase of this event must be conducted between teacher and chairperson(s) only. Parents and students are not allowed to discuss any portion of this event with event staff.
- We recommend that teachers be present in person, in case any issues arise.
Competition Procedure
Applications Open: Monday, March 10, 2025
Application Deadline: Friday, April 11, 2025 at 11:59 p.m.
Preliminary Video Deadline (as needed): Friday, April 25, 2025 at 11:59 p.m.
Final Audition Time & Date: Saturday, May 31, 2025 at Mesa Community College,1833 W Southern Ave, Mesa, AZ 85202
Honors Recital Time, Date & Location: May 31, 2025 at Mesa Community College, Performing Arts Center, 1520 S. Longmore, Mesa, AZ 85202. Time TBA.
Applications may be submitted online on the ASMTA website beginning Monday, March 10, 2025 and no later than 11:59 pm on Friday, April 11, 2025. The application must include the complete and accurate titles of the two pieces to be performed, along with the full composer names, opus/catalog numbers, movement designations (if applicable), and key signatures.
- On the application, list accurate timings of each piece to be performed. Applicants should remain within the maximum total time specified for their division. Applicants who exceed that time limit will be stopped during their performance when they reach the maximum time limit.
- All application fees must be paid online at the ASMTA web site by Friday, April 11, 2025. Each teacher should send a single payment covering the total application fees for all of their participating students. Money will not be accepted from students or parents!
- Entry fees are non-refundable.
- If the number of applicants requires that preliminary auditions be held, they will be held via video recordings. We recommend that all applicants plan to have video recordings available in advance of preliminary audition notification.
Video recordings must be:
- Posted to YouTube by 11:59 pm on Friday, April 25, 2025, and
- The link(s) to your video(s) must also be emailed to Karali Hunter (karali@hammerandstrings.com) by 11:59 pm on Friday, April 25, 2025.
- The YouTube videos must be unlisted, and must remain posted and available through Friday, May 2, 2025.
- Audio and picture of videos must be completely unedited. Both pieces may be recorded and uploaded separately.
- Only the titles of the pieces should be labeled under the video but no competitor names
- Preliminary results, judge comments, final audition times (if accepted) and locations will be emailed to participants’ teachers by Saturday, May 10, 2025.
- Students who advance to the Finals round will NOT receive judges comments. Students who are eliminated during the preliminary round will receive written judges comments.
Final Round
- The final auditions will be on Saturday, May 31, 2025, at Mesa Community College. For the Final Auditions, scores for each piece must be presented to the desk monitors before the performance. Measures must be numbered either each measure, or at the beginning of each line. Books/published scores are required. No photocopies. Exceptions can be made if the music is in public domain and not easily accessible. Please email chairperson to gain an exception (see Repertoire Requirements – General – #4 below).
- Names of teachers and students must be omitted in music
- Performers must present proof of their age upon checking in at the final round. Acceptable documents include a birth certificate, passport, or other valid picture ID that show a birth date. A digital photo of an original document is also acceptable. Students who cannot produce a proof of birth date will be allowed to participate for comments only, but will be ineligible for any award. Students’ ages must be within their division specification on the day of the final round.
- Students must compete within their designated division; no exceptions will be made for movement between divisions.
Winners’ Recital
The Winners’ Recital will be held during the afternoon on (Saturday, May 31, 2025, location and time TBA.) Winners unable to fulfill this performance obligation will forfeit their award.
Division Requirements
Solo Instruments and Voice
Different instruments and voice will be adjudicated in separate categories. If 5 or more of a category participates in a division, the co-chairs will appoint a specialist to adjudicate the category.
In categories other than solo piano, if there are 5 or fewer applicants, this category will be adjudicated as a single division, regardless of age. If less than two (2) piano duets, chamber ensembles, or any other category enter the competition, they will be performing for comments only. At the discretion of the judges, they may still be considered for inclusion in the Final Recital. Notice will be given to teachers before the final round if this is the case.
The categories are as follows:
- Strings – violin, viola, cello, string bass, harp
- Winds – flute, clarinet, oboe, bassoon
- Brass – trumpet, trombone, French horn, tuba, euphonium
- Voice
- Solo Piano
Division | Age Range | Performance Time Limit | Entrance Fee |
Elementary 1 | 8 and under | 8 Minutes | $25 |
Elementary 2 | 9-10 | 10 Minutes | $25 |
Intermediate 1 | 11-12 | 12 Minutes | $30 |
Intermediate 2 | 13-14 | 14 Minutes | $30 |
Advanced 1 | 15-16 | 16 Minutes | $35 |
Advanced 2 | 17-18 | 18 Minutes | $35 |
Piano Duets
Duet (Four-hands, one piano) Please note that we cannot guarantee the proper settings for piano duos (two grand pianos in the room). These will be placed in a separate category from “solo piano,” and therefore also adjudicated separately. At least one student in the ensemble must meet the age specification (13-18), and no members can be older than it. Requirements are as follows:
Division | Age Range | Performance Time Limit | Entrance Fee |
Mixed | 13-18 | 15 Minutes | $30 per student |
Chamber Music Ensembles
All mixed chamber ensembles will be placed together in one category separate from Solo Instruments and Piano Duets. At least one student in the ensemble must meet the age specification (13-18), and no members can be older than it. Requirements are as follows:
Division | Age Range | Performance Time Limit | Entrance Fee |
Mixed | 13-18 | 15 Minutes | $30 per student |
Fee for students of a Nonmember Teacher (any division) $100 per student
Repertoire Requirements
- All students must perform two pieces of contrasting style from different historical musical genres.
- All pieces will be performed from memory except in the case of chamber music groups and piano duets.
- Both pieces must be performed within the time limit listed above.
- All entrants must abide by the Federal Copyright Law. Photocopies are not allowed. Entrants using PDFs downloaded from the Internet will be asked to complete the MTNA Music Release Form verifying their permission to use this music.
- Miniature scores are not acceptable.
- Performers who choose to disregard the repertoire requirement guidelines will be disqualified.
Alterations and Exclusions
- Repertoire changes: will not be permitted.
- Masterclass: Students who participate in the masterclass during the Conference cannot play the same repertoire in the Honors Recital Competition.
- Cuts: Any performances containing cuts will be disqualified. Exceptions to this will be in the orchestral reductions to concerto or operatic selections as long as the solo part is complete.
- Repeats: If endings of repeats are the same, repeats are optional. If endings of repeats are different, repeats must be taken.
Special Repertoire
- Original Compositions: Only original compositions by composers of renown and/or established pedagogical composers are acceptable. (Questions regarding acceptable repertoire should be directed to Karali Hunter (karali@hammerandstrings.com) and Chenbaixue Yang (cyang132@asu.edu), as soon as possible.
- Concerti: Pianists and ensembles may not perform concerti; other instruments may perform individual movements.
- Variations: The entire set of variations will be performed (no cuts).
- Sonatas/Sonatinas: One movement will be considered one piece.
- Prelude & Fugue: If preludes or fugues are composed as a set, they must be performed as a set; one may not be performed without the other.
- Collections i.e. character pieces, works with many different pieces put together as one: Selections from one collection or opus number by one composer (e.g., Shostakovich Preludes, Op. 34, or Chopin Mazurkas, Op. 7), may be grouped at will. The total time of this grouping may not exceed the performance time of the other work submitted.
General Rules
- The decisions made by the jury of the competition are final and are not subject to query, review or appeal.
- Teachers, students and parents must not engage in conversation with or identify themselves to judges at any time. Doing so will result in disqualification.
- Any competitor may be disqualified for failure to comply with the rules and procedures pertaining to the Competition.
Dress Code
Appropriate concert attire is required for both the Competition and the Winners Recital. This may include dresses (knee-level or longer), button-down shirts, slacks or dress trousers, and dress shoes; optional attire: sport coats, ties, or suits.
No jeans, sweatpants or sweatshirts, sneakers, gym attire, tennis shoes, flip flops, boat shoes, or platform shoes with a sole greater than 1/2 inch. All apparel must be modest and non-revealing. Hair should not hide a performer’s face. Please do not wear clothing that will detract from the performance or the dignity of the event.
At the discretion of the chairperson(s) and ASMTA president, inappropriate behavior (such as disruptive or confrontational outbursts by parents, students, or teachers) or disregarding of the guidelines stated herein will results in the immediate disqualification of the student and forfeiture of any awards or certificates.
Competition Awards
In each division, First, Second, and Third place for each division will be awarded at the discretion of the judges. The funds for the awards are generously provided by the Arizona State Music Teachers Association and the Arizona Study Program. Award amounts may vary annually. Decisions made by the jury of the competition are final and are not subject to query, review or appeal. Teachers, students, and parents must not engage in conversation with or identify themselves to judges at any time. Doing so will result in disqualification.
Special Awards
Each division that has a piano category will have one (1) winner selected to receive the PEE-YAW WILKES ENDOWMENT AWARD. This award was established in honor of Pee-Yaw Lim Wilkes, a long-time ASMTA member and teacher in the Flagstaff area, who produced some of the highest caliber, competitive pianists during her tenure. It serves to promote support and encouragement to promising, talented young pianists. The amount of the award will vary annually. Prize monies will be issued after the competition via Music Teachers National Association (MTNA), the endowment’s fiduciary.
The JAMES SAVERIO RUCCOLO PIANO SOLO AWARDS will be awarded to students in these categories: one award for Intermediate 1 division, one award for Intermediate 2 division, one award for Advanced 1 division, and one award for Advanced 2 division. These awards are offered in memory of Dr. James Saverio Ruccolo, a pianist/composer and a Professor Emeritus of Arizona State University. Dr. Ruccolo was also an active contributor to the Arizona State Music Teachers Association, Piano Division between 1975 and 1985.
2025 Underrepresented Composer Award
One (1) award given per competition year at the judges’ discretion. This award will be awarded to one (1) competitor (of ANY category) who performs a piece by a woman/BIPOC composer. This award encourages students to look beyond traditional repertoire and explore the depths of lesser-known composers and works.
For a printable James R. Anthony 2025 Honors Recital Guidelines.